Eat, Drink and Be Healthy

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Well, I got the title from a book - Eat, Drink and Be Married written by Eve Makis. But considering that m not getting married (yet!) hence I changed the title.

Almost everyone asked me what I have been up to while m onleave. Well, basically the title tells it all - eat, drink and be healthy. Somehow I can't stop eating. I think maybe it's due to pms-ing or just plain got nothing else to do. But let's just say that eventhough I eat a lot, still live a healthy life..haha! NOT in term of foods coz believe it or not, I ate a lot of junk and fatty foods and most of the time, I feel guilty doing that to my body. But I redeem myself by hiking, jogging and recently I played badminton with my brothers. M not a professional player but m consider okay...hehe!

2 knock knock:

Didz said...

Bah m8, be my partner this coming badminton tournament. I dont have partner ni this year aa. partner taun lapas inda mau ikut, ada komitment anak2. hehe..

iantie said...

whaha! aku?? menserve pun nda lurus gerenti kana disqualified tarus..haha