Nature's Way Getting Back To Earth

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Yesterday and last night, I had to say is the worst rain and flooding I ever experienced. I was attending a lecture in RIPAS hospital around 5pm and when I came out of the lecture theatre, it was raining very heavily. The bottom of my kain totally soaked and I'm tempted to go straight home. But considering that I had to buy food for my rabbits, so I braved the heavy rain and went to Kiulap.

On my way out of the T junction in Kiulap, it was heavily flooded at one side of the road and I kept on considering that I have no other way to turn to, I just braved through the water and prayed, prayed very hard that everything will be okay. Alhamdulilah, it was okay but the water blockage didn't stop there. Entering into the Kiulap shopping area, it was also flooding. Luckily, I managed to get a parking infront of the shop and without my umbrella (coz it's a hassle to open and close an umbrella), I just get out of my car.

Yesterday, it was traffic jam everywhere! The rain is very heavy, water blockage everywhere (I guess out drainage system couldn't cope with the flow of the rain) and somehow, it looked more hectic than ever! And I said to myself, I guess it's just the way nature getting back to us - for whatever reason it might be. But we should consider ourselves lucky as the weather isn't really that bad. By the time I arrived my neighbourhood, it was around 6.30pm and considering that I lived around 'the ban areas' in Kilanas, I can see the water slowly rising.

I didn't think much about the weather that night as I was drop dead tired and went to sleep. This morning I was awaken by my mum and panickingly, she said, our place is flooded! I was like 'erkk, bnr kah tu?' considering that my room is on the ground floor and if it's flooding, duh! I think I should aware of it! Turned out, our simpang is flooded and when my dad sent my brothers to school, he called me up and said, 'iantie, definitly you can't drive to work.' Apparently, once we get out of our minor simpang and entered the jln ban, it was definitly flooding!! The water is up till the knees - or is it above the knees (I definitly didn't get out of the car and try!) and I ended up being sent by my dad to work...fewwwhhh! Never see flood like that in my entire stay in Ban area! I know ban 3 and ban 4 is well known to be flooded but not my ban!

So, anyway, today's incident make my urge to buy a SUV even stronger! hehe! Another reason to buy a SUV - floods! But, all is okay and the road is accessible now and hopefully, no more rain tonight. If it rains again, well...I don't want to think the thinkable....

0 knock knock: