Crazy Week!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Since last Saturday, it had been a buzy weekend and so far, crazy week for me.

Work-wise, me and my officer went to KB hospital last Saturday afternoon for the MoH roadshow and info sharing session. We, accompanied by 3 ladies from the Quality Improvement Unit from MoH arrived in KB hospital exactly at 2.30pm and came back to bandar around 6pm. Eventhough I was not the one driving, gosh, I was so exhausted by the time I reached home. And it was raining very heavily on the way home.

Monday morning, mum was warded for the pre-op and I had to travel to Tutong. Earlier that day, it looked gonna rain but when I arrived in Tutong, it was super bright hot! And it didn't help that I got all nervous for the talk.

My talk? Oh! I prepared my script and practised the night before but when the laptop and the microphone were infront of me, I decided to lose the script and just go with the flow. And I gotta say, it was not that bad...haha! Self-praising LOL!

From Tutong, I went straight to the hospital, stayed with my mum till lunchtime. Considering that I couldn't get anyone to relieve me, I had to come back to work in the afternoon.

Yesterday, however, I got a day off - thanx to my bosses ;). So, I leave home around 7.30am and with all the early morning rush, managed to arrive in the hospital around 8.15am. Mum was getting ready to get in the OT. So, with my dad and 2 brothers, we waited for my mum till she completed the procedure. It didn't take that long tho'. Stayed with my mum till she was discharged in the late afternoon.

Today, I came back to work as usual but tomorrow morning, I won't be around again - duty calling.. so many things to do and so little time coz next week won't be in for almost 2 weeks - another duty somewhere else.. hmmm...

1 knock knock:

Pooch Purple Reign said...

you sure are a busy girl
~dont forget to breathe.....
