10 Malam Terakhir

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
It's coming to the 22nd day of Ramadhan and yes, it's the latest 10 days of Ramadhan remaining. As a Muslim, most of us knows what that means. Anytime during these 10 remaining night, one night will happen to be the 'night of all nights' - Lai'latul Qadar. That's ALLAH promises to His ummah (people). Only few people in this whole wide world had experienced it in this lifetime while for some of us, we are still hoping to 'catch' this night! If there is anyone of you out there had experienced it, then Alhamdulillah, you are very blessed.

Lai'latul Qadar is ALLAH gift to His people. The night of Lai'latul Qadar is the night where if you beramal dengan ikhlas, ALLAH will forgive all your sins and along with that, your wishes are granted. ALLAH maha penyanyang dan memaafkan..Take it! It's for us to take.....
Semoga kita dirahmati selalu....AMIN!

P.s. Takhziah kepada keluarga of the late guy who passed away in the RTA yesterday afternoon around Telanai/Damuan area. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat di bulan yang mulia ini...Amin!

'Daripada-NYA kita di datangkan dan kepada-NYA kita kembali'

0 knock knock: