Last Monday vs Yesterday Monday

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I would like to mind readers and fellow bloggers that I don't specifically hate Monday nor I have the so-called Monday Blues but I had to say last week Monday was not a very good day for me.

It started to be a good day; it was raining and for those who don't know me (yet!), I love rain and it was my first day of a course at the Islamic Da'wah Center. Everything went well tha morning until I was on my way home that lunch hour. My car's battery indicator was flashing and I knew, something was wrong. I can 'feel' it! But Alhamdulillah, I managed to arrive home safe. Dad came home and I told him the problem. Just as I guessed - it's the alternator! O! Not again! This would be the second time!!

The first time, I spent $600+ to fix the alternator. Fix it, mind you? Dad said, this time maybe I should replace it with a new one!! So. Dad asked around. Agent price = $1400! Yikes! Workshop price (brand new) = $900+, secondhand = $600+! Fewwhhh! But in the end, Dad found a workshop that can fix the alternator for about $200!

-that's an alternator, btw... LOL-

For the following days, I had to car pool with my brother; which was troublesome! But by Saturday, I'm a free driver again and with that, I finished my course with a satisfying certificate =)

Yesterday Monday, it promised to be a beautiful day!

After a week of not coming in to the office, work was hectic but managable! And everytime I feel down, I just look at this picture! Awesome-ness!

-3 in 1 (the rainbow, the cloud and the brilliant blue blue sky)-

0 knock knock: