"Blogging is the way of life"

Saturday, July 28, 2007
It has become a habit of mine to listen to the radio whenever I had the opportunity and this morning, I listened to the Pilihan FM station and one of the djs (I couldn't remember her name but I think it's Izan - if I'm not mistaken) was giving tips on how to write a biography and how she mentioned that nowdays more people are in blogging and how it is easier to do compared doing an autobiography.

I had to say blogging is more easier and fun to do rather than writing. I used to write journals and I got lots of it as the years passed by. I even named my journal everytime I had open a new journal. But eversince I'm active in blogging (I think I'm consider active...hehe), somehow I just totally forgotten about my dearest journal and last night, I did open my journal and my last entry was last May 21..wow! What a very lousy journal jotter I am, huh?!

But, there are lots of good things about journal rather than blogging. I don't know about the rest of you out there but for me, I treat my journal as my diary - where I pour everything without any limitions...but blog, definitly I can't pour everything out. And truth to be told, whatever I write in this blog, it's considered half story being told; the rest being tucked away in the furthest corner of my memory. True, your blog is your opinions but sometimes even our opinions are too private or too sensitive to be viewed by the rest of the world (well, it's only a figure of speech! - but I think you will get my point).

And I think it's not that wise to pour everything in your blog...just to be cautious!

0 knock knock: