How I Wish...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Today is one of those days where I wish:

1. I bought a SUV instead of a salon car (it was flash-flooding everywhere!)

2. I have a boyfriend/fiance/husband who could drive me to and from work so that I can sleep in the car during the heavy rain traffic =P

3. I don't drink too much Coke on a rainy weather (I badly need to go and pee while I was stuck in the traffic).

4. I fix my car stereo so that I can listen to my favourite songs instead of listening to boring news on the radio.

5. A car has an auto drive... you know like a plane with an autopilot.. hehe. My thighs are in pain, I don't know why and today made it even worst!

But overall, I still LOVE the rain! It was just so..... bless-ly!

3 knock knock:

Didz said...

how i wish i finish renovating my room, clean up the mess and clear my other room jua m8..hehe sigh!

iantie said...

haha... that's a lot of finishing, clearing and cleaning tu m8..

Didz said...

tell me about it m8..sigh! :(