Saturday night, I had to drive all the way to Muara to attend my cousin's wedding from my popo's side. This is the first time I attended an Iban wedding. It was okay, more or less similar like the Malay wedding. Luckily it was a nice night, windy but no rain.
Yesterday, I went to my housemate (while I was living in Singapore) and colleague, Dian's wedding. The day was a bit cloudy but it didn't rain. Cloudy but the air was a bit hot. Managed to squeeze some sweat out of me.
Congratulations to Dian and Amir for their nuptials. May you guys live happily ever after with lots and lots of babies..hehe.
One of those things I don't like when I attend a friend's wedding is the questions - when are you getting married? next it would be yours? have you find the right man yet? bla bla bla - you know al those questions...such pressure! fewhhhh!
Anyway, in the middle of watching the newly weds, my boss messaged me saying that his dad passed away hence he would be taking emergency leave. Considering that my second boss is also on leave, let's just say that we have no boss! So my boss just informed me that he already made the necessary arrangement and asked me to inform the acting director if there is any problem.
My boss' dad was rushed to the hospital last week when he was unconcious but regain his conciousness few hours after being admitted to the hospital. He was scheduled to have a CT scan but was cancelled when the doctors observed he was doing fine and was discharged from the hospital last Wednesday.
Condolonces to my boss and his family for the desmiss of his dad. May he rest in peace!
2 knock knock:
that is a sweet wedding pic. very different from our wedding dresses and formals but mostly only in colour. i love the browns and golds.
thanx laura ;) this is the only picture of the couple I managed to snap.
how's ur christmas? do tell! waiting for your updates on your blog ;)
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