Back to Work!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
After 3-day of MC and 4 days (from Friday till Monday) being 'quarantined' at home, finally today, I started to work again! I rarely take any MC, not rarely, HARDLY more like it so pratically, I have no idea what to do during the period of my MC, well except for rest but then it was so damned bored to rest all the time!!! So, you can say that m looking forward to come back to work today although m not feeling that well yet! I talk abt that later!

I woke up this morning with the promise of a good weather (I know! I said I won't complaint bt the weather and I'm not!) but then it started to rain
and if any of you out there doesn't know this yet - I LOVE RAIN!!! I know, m a weird person but I do, honestly, truthfully love the rain! I sent my brother to PTE Katok and somehow, when it's raining, people - drivers to be more precise, tend to be 'civilized' and behave! haha! They don't rush, they don't cut ques, they switched on their small lights......everything is in order! And I like it when drivers are behaving such a way! At least m not pissed off early morning...haha!

Arrived at the office quarter to 8am =) And my boss asked me whether m okay to work today or do I need some mo
re rest? Bless his soul but some more rest?? No thanx! I had enough rest and it's not that fulfilling if you have the rest and you are sick! Anyho...told him m experiencing some nauseous and dizziness but I would be okay (tough lady ya!). Haha!

As the day progresses, m feeling better coz the nausea and dizziness are the side effects of the Tamiflu m taking and I only know that today! Haha! Eversince I was prescribed with the Tamiflu last Friday night, I was not feeling well. I took the Tamiflu as prescribed and with 3-day MC, staying at home most of the time and had my rest, I don't bother that much about my condition (nausea, dizziness, headache). I thought it just me being sick. But when last night, my condition was not improving, I started to get worried. Mainly
bcoz I don't want another MC and secondly, being sick is just plain SUCKS! And yea, I hate taking medications too! Then it crossed my mind that it might be the side effects of the Tamiflu and I just don't bother to flip thru' the PIL (patient information leaflet). I couldn't help but to think and wonder, is this how pregnant women feel with morning sickness and all (nausea, dizziness, vomitting, headaches)? Haha! Jauh terpesong aku ah but still.......it doesn't hurt to wonder!

Today, one of the doctors found out that I am on Tamiflu. She asked me how m feeling (nice to know that some people really care =D) and turned out, she is taking Tamiflu too and we were sharing the same side effects. Feeewwhhhh!! Well, not great plang having the side effects but at least to know that m not the only 1 suffering from the side effects is kindda a relief! hehe! At least m normal, in a way..haha!

On my way to my car, I met 1 good doctor and he was also asking how m doing and asking whether m fever gone or not? Told him not really and he said that if my fever is not down by tomorrow, he would give me another 2-day MC! What? MC lagi?? Adang2 tah eh! M bored to the max dah with MCs! True, my fever is fluctuating at the moment and m not really that fit to work (my nose now totally blocked, my throat still sore) but to rest again, that I cannot do! Besides, insyaAllah, by tomorrow, I would be fine. My last Tamiflu dosage would be tomorrow morning and tonight, I took some domperidone and panadol to go with the Tamiflu (just as a prophylaxis). My nausea gone but I think the panadol didn't work well to control my dizziness and now, m having diarrhea!!! Urrgghhhh....Anything to get better, you have to suffer first! hahaha!

Oh well, I consider this as God's punishment to me for being bad! Bad? Who? Me? Oh yea, you don't know me that well if you think m a super good lady =P

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