A week of Eid and I had been a lousy blogger. The festive season I have to say the buziest of all for us muslims! For me, it had been the buziest and the most exhausting ever!
This year, it's our turn to 'host' the family 1st day Raya gathering. The meaning of 'host' here is where you have to provide foods, drinks and the house. But being a family 'makan raya', each family will bring at least a dish to share. My dad's siblings started to arrive around 9am and after the tahlil, we started to eat, drink, gossip, shout and whatever else that accompanied with the movement of the mouth, hand and feet! Haha! Ever read a book Eat, Drink and Get Married? I couldn't remember who's the author but it's a good read. In my opinion, every family, everywhere in the world, somehow there are some similarities you can detect.
Anyway, back to Eid! By the end of the day, me, my parents and brothers were drop dead exhausted and honestly, m not looking forward for tomorrow (the 2nd day of Eid). Why? Coz we were having our open house for the friends and gosh, it's a lot of work and it really required all the amount of strength (physically and mentally) to prepare ourselves for the open house. I know I shouldn't complain coz in a way, open house like bersedekah. You treat your family, friends and whoever to eat for free! So, when the day came, wow....soooooo damned tired. I couldn't even feel my own hips..haha! We started around 11am and I managed to catch the season finale of the Amazing Race (where TK and Rachel won) and while waiting, I stil have time to read my novel. But once people started to come around noon, fewwhhh............I don't want to remember! Haha! It's not that horrible la and if m honest with myself, I kindda enjoy it. I met up with some of my friends that I only managed to see once a year! Funny, right? Brunei is small and everywhere is within the reach but somehow, we can't see each other as often as we want to! Oh well....
3rd and 4th day of Eid, m back to work like most of the people here in Brunei. Friday, me and my bff managed to ber-raya to some of our friends' homes and congralts to Sab and hubby, for ber-rayaing at their new home this year. Nice place! I didn't go out Saturday night (haha! what a life!) coz few of my friends came over to my place and I had to wake up early the next day for another long raya trip!
Sunday, with 3 different cars, we went to Tutong and KB. My dad drove another car with my mum, grandma, one of my nieces, my brother and his gf, while I drove another car with my 2 brothers and my eldest brother drove another car with his wife and 2 daughters and my other brother. We stopped by a Tutong first at Nini Hj Liman's crib. Stayed there for a while to let the elder people to catch up with each other then we went to KB. The traffic was kindda slow around Telisai-Sg. Liang and turned out nothing happened! People just buzybody looking at the stalls selling the local fruits. Ceh! Suspense! We were treated with nice lunch at one of my relatives' home and by 1pm, we headed back to bandar. This time I took my dad's place coz he had a terrible headahe while my other brother drove another car. Starting Lumut all the way to Telisai dual-highway, cars were que-ing from the opposite direction. People going to KB somehow were stuck even more worst with the slow moving traffic! Luckily for us, going back to bandar was a breeze. An uncle called me up asking what happened (he's on the way to KB and he saw us passing), told him nothing happened - just people being plain slow! 2 friends messaged me too asking the same question and another friend told me not to speed. Haha! Me? Ceh! As if this friend doesn't know m dreaming to be a female formula 1 driver...hahaha! Keep on dreaming!
Fashion-wise? This year, I have to admit that m old-fashion. Haha! I stick with my usual fashion mainly because m running out of idea of the fashion that I like and somehow, I got no mood for being fashionable! Haha! Maybe because of my weight. Eventhough m not that fat but somehow m not suitable for the tight, fashionable clothes...haha!
After this, I need at least a few days to clear all the stuffs that had been cluttering around my room. In other words, I need to declutter my room! The status of my room is so messy to the max! Clothes everywhere, shoes everywhere, books everywhere, bags everywhere, tudong everywhere, stationeries everywhere....basically everything is everywhere! The only place that is not messy is my bed coz I can't tolerate a messy bed....that is where I have my beauty sleep.